County and Tribal Veterans Service Officer Association of Wisconsin

Wisconsin Veterans & Surviving Spouses Property Tax Credit

The Wisconsin Veterans & Surviving Spouses Property Tax Credit provides eligible veterans and unremarried, surviving spouses a refundable property tax credit for their primary, in-state residence. The Wisconsin Department of Veterans ffairs verifies the veteran’s eligibility for the program. The credit is administered by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue through the state income tax return. […]

Veterans Assistance Program

Veterans who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless can receive the services they need to obtain steady jobs and affordable housing. The program provides safe shelter at Veterans ssistance Centers around the state while the veteran obtains job training, education, counseling, medical care and other services. To apply for or obtain more information about […]


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety condition which can develop for those who experience combat or go through almost any other traumatic event, such as physical or sexual assault, or witnessing the injury or death of another person.  The symptoms of PTSD can include depression, panic, irritability, nightmares, exaggerated startle response, isolation, guilt […]


County Veterans Service Officers (CVSO’s) have been employed in each of Wisconsin’s 72 counties since World War II to serve you!  CVSO’s are your local resource for dedicated and professional assistance in obtaining federal and state veterans’ benefits.  They provide the expertise and advocacy that veterans need to optimize their access to benefit programs.   CVSO’s […]

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