County and Tribal Veterans Service Officer Association of Wisconsin


County Veterans Service Officers (CVSO’s) have been employed in each of Wisconsin’s 72 counties since World War II to serve you!  CVSO’s are your local resource for dedicated and professional assistance in obtaining federal and state veterans’ benefits.  They provide the expertise and advocacy that veterans need to optimize their access to benefit programs.  

CVSO’s may intereact with a veteran many times through the years.  newly- discharged veteran is given an overview of their benefits and perhaps assisted in obtaining educational benefits and filing a disability claim for service-related disabilities.   Possibly a few years later that veteran may be seeking assistance with a veterans’ home loan program or a personal loan.   t another point, the CVSO may be assisting this veteran file for increased disability benefits because their service-related disability has worsened or assisting with a home improvement loan.

CVSO’s handle inquiries and applications regarding veterans’ health care benefits for veterans of all ages, but these become of special importance as they get older.  Long-term care benefits can become of issue to a veteran later in life as well.   Burial benefit assistance is provided to the survivors of veterans.  The widows of veterans are eligible for many state benefits, and in limited cases, federal benefits.  CVSO’s are there to assist them as well.

Most of the programs veterans utilize are offered through the US Department of Veterans ffairs or the Wisconsin Department of Veterans ffairs.  Therefore, CVSO’s are generally in contact  with these agencies on a daily basis.  They also work with the Service Officers of the various veterans’ organizations when filing V benefit claims.  CVSO’s interact with various other county government offices, such as Human Services, the Register of Deeds and the Clerk of Courts.  Many federal and state agencies, such as Workforce Development, the local Housing uthority and the Social Security dministration are also resources of assistance to veterans, and CVSO’s are knowledgeable of their programs as well.

The County Veterans Service Officer and staff are employees of their respective counties.  It is generally the smallest department in county government.  However, they assist their veterans obtain benefits that in the aggregate total in the millions of dollars that are spent in their local communities, and do have an economic impact. 

If you haven’t already done so, make an appointment to meet your CVSO and learn the most current information regarding your veterans’ benefits.  Look under the county government listings of your local telephone directory or see the website www.wicvso.org.  ll veterans are encouraged to at least have their discharge document on file with their county office so that assistance can be rendered in a timely manner when needed for themselves or their survivors.

Updated: February 22, 2015 — 11:55 am
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