County Veterans Service Officer Association of Wisconsin

Education Grants

The State of Wisconsin provides a number of educational programs for state veterans that are in addition to any federal veterans educational benefits that may be available. Eligibility varies between programs, including state residency requirements.

Wisconsin GI Bill

Effective for the Fall 2005 semester, the Wisconsin G.I. Bill provides a waiver (“remission”) of tuition for eligible veterans and their dependents for up to 8 full-time semesters or 128 credits at any University of Wisconsin System or Wisconsin Technical College Systeminstitution. Qualifying veterans receive a 100% remission.

100% remission is provided to the qualifying veterans who entered into military active duty from the State of Wisconsin or who have resided in the State of Wisconsin for 5 consecutive years.

If the veteran entered into military active duty from the State of Wisconsin then eligibility is also available to unremarried surviving spouse and children of a veteran who died in the line of duty, and to the spouse and children of a veteran with service-connected disabilities with a combined V service-connected disability rating of 30% or greater. For qualifying children, the benefit is available from ages 18 through 25. The benefit recipient must reside in Wisconsin.

The benefit is ALSO available to the veterans' dependents if the veteran is qualified under the 5 year residency rule.

Veterans Education (VetEd) Reimbursement Grant

The Veterans Education (VetEd) grant program provides a reimbursement grant based on a credit-bank system that is based on length of active duty military service to eligible veterans who have not yet been awarded a bachelor’s degree for the reimbursement of tuition and fees following successful course completion at an eligible UW, technical college, or approved private institution of higher learning.

Veterans may concurrently receive Chapter 30 Montgomery G.I. Bill (V) benefits and VetEd for the same semester. However, individuals eligible for Wisconsin G.I. Bill benefits must apply for, and use those benefits in order to be eligible for VetEd reimbursement. VetEd reimbursement will be reduced to the extent that tuition and fees have already been paid by other grants, scholarships, and remissions provided for the payment of tuition and fees.

To apply for or obtain more information about benefits, contact your local CVSO.

Updated: July 30, 2018 — 2:04 pm
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