What is Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Rehabilitation is a program which helps eligible disabled veterans get and keep lasting, suitable jobs. It also helps seriously disabled veterans achieve independence in daily living.
The program offers a number of services to help each eligible disabled veteran reach his or her rehabilitation goal. These services include vocational and personal counseling, education and training, financial aid, job assistance, and, if needed, medical and dental treatment. Services generally last up to 48 months, but they can be extended in certain instances.
Who is Eligible
Usually, you must first be awarded a monthly V Disability Compensation payment. In some cases, you may be eligible if you aren't getting V compensation (for example, you are awaiting discharge from the service because of a disability, or you are entitled to V compensation but have decided not to reduce your military retirement or disability pay).
Eligibility is also based on you meeting the following conditions:
- You served on or after September 16, 1940 ND
- Your service-connected disabilities are rated at least 20% disabling by V ND
- You need Vocational Rehabilitation to overcome an employment handicap ND
- It has been less than 12 years since V notified you of your eligibility
NOTE: You may be eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation if you are rated 10% disabled, and you have a serious employment handicap.
You may have longer than 12 years to use this benefit if certain conditions prevented you from training.
How Much Does V Pay
If you need training, V will pay your training costs, such as tuition and fees, books, supplies, equipment, and, if needed, special services. While you are in training, V will also pay you a monthly benefit to help with living expenses, called a subsistence allowance. For details, call the toll-free number below.
How Can I pply
Contact your local County Veterans Service Office.
Related Benefits
Work Study llowance
Tutorial ssistance
Revolving Fund Loan
To apply for or obtain more information about benefits, contact your local CVSO.