County and Tribal Veterans Service Officer Association of Wisconsin

Benefits available to New Philippine Scouts

 (Non-Commissioned – Enlisted under PL 190, 79th Congress on or after October 5, 1945)

  1. Benefit Programs for Veterans

(1)      Disability Compensation - *payable to a veteran with service-connected condition(s) rated at 10% or more.  lso entitled to receive special allowance for a spouse who is in need of aid and attendance of another person if the veteran is evaluated 30% or more.

(2)      Clothing llowance - *payable to a veteran who is entitled to receive compensation for a service-connected disability for which he or she uses prosthetic or orthopedic appliances that tends to wear out or tear clothing or whose service-connected skin condition requires prescribed medication which irreparably damages the veteran’s outer garments.


II.      Benefit Programs for Survivors

(1)      Dependency & Indemnity Compensation  (DIC) - *payable to eligible spouses, children and


(2)      id and ttendance (&) - * payable to surviving spouses  and parent s receiving DIC if they are patients in a nursing home or require aid and attendance of another person.

(3)      Housebound - *payable to surviving spouses qualified for DIC who are not so disabled as to require the regular aid and attendance of another person but who, due to disability, are permanently housebound.

(4)      Dependents’ Educational ssistance - *payable to children of veterans who are eligible under Chapter 35 benefits.  Spouses are not eligible.

*Payment of the above benefits shall be made at a rate of $0.50 for each dollar authorized per Sec 107(a), 38 USC.

III .  Benefit Programs not available

(1)      Non-service connected pension benefits for veterans and dependents;

(2)      Hospitalization, nursing home care, domiciliary care, outpatient dental and medical care even though the veteran has service-connected conditions.  However, while in the United States or its territories, the V may furnish hospital and nursing home care and medical services to Commonwealth rmy veterans for treatment only of their service-connected disabilities.  (Sec. 1734, 38 USC);

(3)      V loans such as home loan guarantees and small business loans;

(4)      Specially dapted Homes;

(5)      utomobile or Other Conveyances.

(6)      Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance (RH);

(7)      Burial and Funeral Expense llowance;

(8)      Plot or Interment llowance;

(9)      Burial Flag;

(10) Burial in national Cemeteries, and

(11) Headstones and Markers.

Note:   This information sheet does not apply to officers who were commissioned in connection with the administration of Public Law 190 (uthority: 38 USC 107).  Commissioned officers (and their dependents) have the same benefits as United States veterans including payments in dollars.

To apply for or obtain more information about benefits, contact your local CVSO.

Updated: February 21, 2015 — 11:50 pm
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